How to Calculate Poker Combinations and Probability?
In mathematics, combinatorics, also called combinatorial analysis, studies configurations of finite collections of objects or combinations of finite sets, and their counting.
While this might sound complex at first glance, it's much simpler than it appears and is especially useful in poker hand analysis. To explain the basics of combinatorics, we'll use a very simple situation that you might encounter in live Texas Hold'em poker tournaments.
We're participating in a 6-max tournament in a perfect setting:
- swimming pool
- music
- cards...
Everything is perfect, including the presence of none other than Davidi Kitai. A talented player capable of anything, especially winning our chips with disconcerting ease if he happens to be seated next to us.
After more than 3 hours of play, we're on the right track with a stack exceeding 35,000 chips while the average stack is 21,000 chips. Our table breaks after a difficult final hand that damaged both our stack and our confidence.
We have 18,325 chips remaining and we're heading to our new table. We discover a table with only 3 players and therefore 3 empty seats. Two other players arrive to fill this 6-max table, and among them is Davidi!
All we can do now is hope not to be seated next to Davidi, which would be a real bad beat...
The Initial Situation
Here's everything we know:
- A 6-max table with 3 players already seated
- Players are seated randomly
- Davidi and ourselves must take our seats at the table
![The table during the initial situation](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/combinatoire-table-depart.png)
In the rest of the article, we'll study the seating arrangement of the players completing the table.
In probability theory, this is called a random experiment.
A random experiment is an observable experiment where the outcome cannot be predicted in advance, even if the experiment is repeated under identical conditions.
What's the Probability of Not Being Seated Next to Davidi?
If you're ready, our goal is to determine the probability of not being seated next to the ruthless Davidi.
Listing All Possible Combinations
To begin, we'll determine all existing combinations. With 3 people to place in 3 seats, nothing could be simpler! We just need to list them all.
![All possible seating combinations](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/combinaisons-enumerees.png)
We get 6 possible combinations for placing 3 people in 3 seats. By listing them, we have just enumerated all possible combinations.
More specific combinations can be counted:
- combinations where we are seated next to Davidi
- combinations where we are not seated next to Davidi
Out of the 6 combinations:
- 2 times, we are seated next to Davidi
- 4 times, we are not seated next to Davidi
Therefore, we end up next to Davidi 2 times out of 6, and 4 times out of 6 we won't be.
In probability theory, we talk about events.
An event is a set of possible outcomes from a random experiment.
In our case, "sitting next to Davidi" is an event and "not sitting next to Davidi" is its complementary event.
The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called the Universe and is often denoted (read as Omega).
The probability of the event "sitting next to Davidi" is
which can be simplified to . of the time, we will be seated next to Davidi.The probability of the complementary event "not sitting next to Davidi" is
or . of the time, we won't be seated next to Davidi.We notice that the probability of "sitting next to Davidi" (
) plus "not sitting next to Davidi" () equals . of the time, we will be seated at the table (next to Davidi or not).Some Mathematical Notations to Simplify the Work
To facilitate further analysis, I'll introduce new mathematical concepts: the notation of probability, union, and intersection.
In the rest of the article, we'll name the events:
- : "sitting next to Davidi"
- : "Not sitting next to Davidi"
- : "being Seated at the table"
The probability of an event is denoted
.The union of two events is denoted:
- "sitting next to Davidi" OR "not sitting next to Davidi"
![The 6 possible combinations with events D in red and ND in green](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/evenements-table-poker.png)
Here, we can see that the union of these two events corresponds to the set of all possible outcomes of this experiment.
The two events have no elements in common and all possible outcomes are covered, this is called a partition.
Here are 2 new events:
- : "Davidi sits in one of the two Right seats at the table"
- : "Hero sits in one of the two Right seats at the table"
The intersection of two events is denoted:
- "Davidi sits in one of the two right seats at the table" AND (simultaneously) "Hero sits in one of the two right seats at the table"
![In blue and yellow](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/intersection-table-poker.png)
Here again, we can see that the union of these two events corresponds to the set of all possible outcomes of this experiment.
However, the two events have elements in common, which we call the intersection of these two events.
There are two combinations where Hero and Davidi are both located on the right side of the table.
The probability of
"Davidi sits in one of the two Right seats at the table" isThe probability of "Hero sits in one of the two Right seats at the table" is
The probability of the intersection is
The probability of "being seated at the table" is
By definition, the elements present in the intersection (
) are found in both event and event .and each include the probability due to the elements of the intersection .
Therefore, the sum of the probability of these two events contains twice the probability due to the intersection elements.
We can also notice that the union of the two events
and covers the entire Universe ().We can write:
An event with a probability of 1 is called a certain event.
The union of an event and its complementary event gives a certain event.
An event and its complementary event have no elements in common and therefore an empty intersection; they are said to be disjoint.
In general, for 3 events A, B, and C, if:
Let's return to our basic question: What is the probability of not sitting next to Davidi?
- where D: "sitting next to Davidi"
- where ND: "Not sitting next to Davidi"
- where A: "being Seated at the table"
Finding the Same Results Mathematically
Our three events are linked together. We have:
We will definitely be seated at the table at the end of the random experiment.
is a certain event, so
Determining the Cardinality of Our Random Experiment's Universe
The cardinality of a set is the number of elements contained in that set.
If , then
is composed of elements , for a total of 5 elements.
In our example, the elements of our Universe are triplets of the form (Player in seat 1, in seat 2, in seat 3).
For example: (Hero, Villain, Davidi) means:
- Hero in seat 1
- Villain in seat 2
- Davidi in seat 3
We need to determine the total number of possible combinations when placing 3 people in 3 seats.
The first step is to place one of the three players in a first seat.
Each player corresponds to one possibility, which gives us 3 different placements.
The second step is to place one of the two remaining players in the second seat.
For each of the 3 possibilities, there are two new possibilities.
This gives us a total of 3 x 2 different placements at this stage.
The final step is to place the remaining player in the last seat.
There is only one possibility left.
This makes a total of 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 different placements.
![Explanation of calculating our Universe's cardinality](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/calcul-cardinal.png)
We therefore have 6 different placements where 3 players are placed in 3 seats, which is equivalent to saying: the cardinality of our random experiment's Universe is 6.
Determining the Cardinality of D
We can easily determine the combinations where we're seated next to Davidi without enumerating all possible cases.
Conversely, it's complicated to calculate the number of combinations where we're not next to Davidi.
For this reason, we aim to calculate the probability of being next to Davidi, and we'll simply subtract this probability from 1 to obtain the probability of not being next to Davidi.
The Starting Table
We begin by separating the 3 people to be placed into two groups:
- Us and Davidi
- The other Villain
Placing Villain
We can place Villain in the left seat. The person in this seat will inevitably be isolated from the other two players to be placed. Therefore, we cannot place either Davidi or ourselves there.
![Explanation of calculating the cardinality of D](/en/assets/maths-poker/bases-probabilites/combinaison-explication.png)
Calculating the Remaining Placements
Once Villain is placed, there are only two adjacent seats left and Davidi and ourselves to place. Since the order of placement matters, we're in the same case as before and find: 2 x 1 = 2 possible placements
Event D corresponds to two combinations, in other words
Determining the Probability of D
Event D corresponds to 2 combinations out of the 6 combinations that make up the Universe.
Event D will occur 2 times out of 6, which corresponds to a probability of
where and
Determining the Probability of ND
Now that we know the probability of
, we can easily find the probability of .Conclusion
The probability of event
"Not sitting next to Davidi" is 66.66%.2 times out of 3, we won't be seated next to Davidi.
- The concept of probability appears during a random experiment.
- An event is a set of possible outcomes.
- The cardinality of an event is the number of outcomes that compose it.
Noted as: - The probability of an event is the frequency at which the event will occur.
Noted as: - An event is certain when we are sure it will occur, meaning it has a probability of 1 (or 100%).
- The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called the Universe.
- The union of an event and its complement () is equivalent to the Universe.
I'd Like a Pair of 10s or Better...
We'll try to determine the probability of being dealt a pair of 10s or better in an online poker hand, which is a good starting hand and could potentially lead to a set on the flop as a combination.
Here's all the information we have:
- a deck consists of 52 cards
- we receive 2 cards from the deck
- the cards are dealt randomly
Some formalism:
- event TT: being dealt a pair of 10s
- event TT+: being dealt a pair of 10s or better (i.e.: pair of 10s, Jacks, Queens, Kings, or Aces)
First Step: Drawing Two Cards from the 52-Card Deck
To begin, we need to calculate the number of combinations corresponding to drawing 2 cards from the 52 cards in the deck.
To draw two cards, we must first draw one card and then a second.
This might seem obvious, but I prefer to specify it anyway.
Drawing One Card from a 52-Card Deck
One possible draw would be pulling the Ace of hearts, another draw would be pulling the 2 of hearts... and so on for all 52 cards in the deck.
We can clearly see that one card corresponds to one possible draw. When drawing just one card from 52 cards, the number of possible draws is 52.
Drawing One Card from a 51-Card Deck
When we draw the first card, we don't put it back in the deck.
When drawing the second card, there are only 51 cards left in the deck. So we have 51 possible draws.
Drawing Two Cards from a 52-Card Deck
We have 52 draws corresponding to drawing a first card, then for each of these draws, we have 51 other possible draws.
This means there are 52 times 51 possible draws of two cards in a 52-card deck. That's
Arrangements and Combinations
During our different steps, a notion of order is present.
Drawing an Ace of hearts then a King of hearts is different from drawing a King of hearts then an Ace of hearts, yet it's the same hand.
The Concept of Arrangements
When choosing k elements from n and the notion of order is important, we get a k-tuple (an ordered list of k elements). This k-tuple is a k-arrangement.
(read as "A" "n" "k"): the number of k-arrangements from n.
We write
With our Ace of hearts and King of hearts, we have 2 arrangements for the same hand.
The Concept of Combination
When choosing k elements from n and the notion of order doesn't matter, we get a set of k elements. This set of k elements is a k-combination.
(read as "C" "n" "k") or (read as "k" from "n"): the number of k-combinations from n.
Written as
A hand like Ace of hearts and King of hearts is a 2-combination.
Second Step: Combinations of Two Cards from 52
The Case of No Limit Hold'em
We have
possible draws of 2 cards from 52.By drawing a first card, then a second card, we introduce a notion of order.
In reality, what we call "possible draws" are 2-arrangements. That is, arrangements composed of two elements.
We have 2652 2-arrangements of 2 cards from 52 cards.
One 2-combination (the hand Ace of hearts and King of hearts) corresponds to two 2-arrangements (Ace of hearts / King of hearts and King of hearts / Ace of hearts).
To get the number of 2-combinations, we need to divide the number of 2-arrangements by 2.
We get 1326 different hand combinations in NLHE.
The Case of Pot Limit Omaha
In PLO, we don't receive 2 but 4 cards from 52 cards!
The goal is to determine the number of different hand combinations in PLO.
This amounts to asking: when 4 cards are drawn from a 52-card poker deck, how many combinations exist?
First step: Find the number of arrangements
There are 6,497,400 possible arrangements of 4 cards from 52.
Second step: Handle the notion of order
We have 24 different ways to order 4 elements. One combination corresponds to 24 arrangements.
Third step: Find the number of combinations
We get 49,700 different hand combinations in PLO.
A Bit of Mathematics
The Concept of Factorial
In mathematics, the factorial of a natural number k is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to k. (
(read as "k factorial")
It is written as:
Let's try to write our arrangements using factorials:
We have
Let's try to write our combinations using factorials:
We have
Thanks to these formulas, if we want to find the number of possible hand combinations in NLHE, we just need to calculate
.We get the same result as before in just a few calculations.
Phew, we landed on our feet!
Can you explain why all this matters?...
Third Step: Being Dealt a Pair of 10s
We want to know the probability of being dealt a pair of 10s.
We're looking for
The Universe corresponds to all possible NLHE hands, which is 1326 different hands. So the cardinality of our Universe is 1326.
We have
whereTo obtain
, we need to find the number of possible combinations to form a pair of 10s.In a deck, there are four 10s. A pair of 10s means having 2 cards from these 4, or the number of combinations of 2 cards from 4.
Therefore there are 6 hands that can form a pair of 10s.
So we have
The probability of getting a pair of 10s is 0.45%.
Fourth Step: Being Dealt a Pair of 10s or Better
Being dealt a pair of 10s or better means hitting one of these five pairs:
- TT
- JJ
- KK
- AA
We saw that a pair of 10s corresponds to 6 hands because there are 4 ten cards in the deck. Since all pairs are composed the same way (2 cards from 4), each pair corresponds to 6 hands.
In our case, we have:
Getting a pair of 10s or better corresponds to 30 hands.
30 combos doesn't mean much to me...
No problem, let's convert it to a percentage!
The probability of getting a pair of 10s or better is 2.26%.
And there you have it, in just a few steps, we've answered the original question!
- When we want to draw k elements from n elements with order in the draw, we get a k-arrangement which is an ordered list of k elements from n.
- We write , the number of k-arrangements of k elements from n.
- When we want to draw k elements from n elements without order in the draw, we get a k-combination which is an unordered list of k elements from n.
- We write , the number of k-combinations of k elements from n.